Ahhh...it's midsummer and it is seriously hot in the San Fernando Valley. I usually take a water bottle along with me as I'm walking and am now on a deliberate search for the best dog water bottle out there. A client gifted me the Pet Trek walker, a clear water bottle with a snap on bowl for the pups. One of our dog clients is a vigorous little guy who needs a long, long walk...heat or no...just to slow him down a bit. But in the heat, he really needs hydration throughout the walk and our lame homemade versions of a doggie water bottle leave a lot to be desired. Of course, we were VERY excited about the Pet Trek. I gave it to the assigned walker and as she started to use it for the very first time, the bottle fell on the hard floor...and cracked.
I've sent a note to the manufacturer to see what they have to say...you'd think a dog water bottle would stand up to a dog-like environment. I'll let you know what they say. In the meantime, I'm still in search mode, but I'll share what I find that I like.