I enjoy spring time walking dogs. My team and I are fortunate to work in the San Fernando Valley, where, when spring explodes, it really explodes! Pet owners lament the fact that while they are at work, their pets are enjoying the great outdoors with a walker. And, me?

Well, I love walking, love dogs and love watching the flowers develop their bloom every day.
I wanted to share the beauty of the area, so a few weeks ago, I took some pics of the flowers starting to really bloom.
To the top left is a row of rose bushes that will be just gorgeous in full bloom. To the right is a California garden -- a mix of daisies, rocks and other flowering plants that do well in our arid climate. Below, again, are my favorites -- roses. Here in partial bloom. The difference between my experiences as a business executive and as a small business owner, spending a great deal of time in the outdoors, is that I've reconnected with nature in a way I hadn't anticipated. I was never much of a crunchy granola, but I've become extremely green-aware and I'm focused on conservation and being an active partner with nature, rather than a passive observer.
If you haven't taken the time lately to take off your shoes and curl up your toes in the grass, or sink your feet into the sand while absorbing the ocean breeze, then I highly recommend it. And the next time you take your dog for a walk, forget about the next bush. Look up at the trees, the sky and around at the flowers and birds and bees and remember your natural self.